ESPRIT Programme 7.1
Technologies for Business Processes
Best Business Practice Pilots

ELEKTRA - ELectrical Enterprise Knowledge for TRansforming Applications

Project No. 22927


The ELEKTRA project is a culmination of:

This work has been carried out within a project definition phase partly funded by the CEU and partly funded by the proposers. The proposers are: two user companies (PPC and Vattenfall); one IT integrator company (SINGULAR); one IT consulting company (KPA); and the three developers of the EKD method (UMIST, KTH and PARIS 1).

Background and Needs

Rapid and turbulent changes in the ESI sector in Europe, initiated by CEU Directives as well as market, political and social forces for reform, have led to an enterprise environment that is constantly evolving. The practical experiences of PPC and Vattenfall are that management of change is not carried out in a controlled, structured manner but rather, the process is driven by previous experiences of consultants and is very much situation dependent. Therefore, because of the informality of the approaches adopted, there is no possibility of repeatability of best business practices¹ for other companies within the ESI sector.

Project Objectives and Results

The main aim of the project is to tailor and apply the EKD method to change management problems within PPC and Vattenfall and to generalise best business practices for dissemination and exploitation to other ESI sector companies. The project results will be:

The Consortium

The entire ethos of the project will be user led. The leading role of PPC and Vattenfall will ensure that the approach to be followed, in technical as well as management terms, will be dedicated to meeting the needs of the two companies specifically and the ESI sector generally. The collaboration of PPC and Vattenfall is critical to the success of this project since they both bring problems, needs and competencies that are complementary to each other. SINGULAR will provide the IT and consultancy infrastructure which will facilitate more timely exploitation of the project results. The three associated partners, UMIST, KTH and PARIS 1, as the developers of the structured method to change management, will be responsible for transferring this technology to the participating companies and tailoring the approach to the ESI sector.

The definition phase, already undertaken by the proposers, has given important insights into the ESI problems and needs. Through this analysis and the application of the EKD approach to selected areas of reform in PPC and Vattenfall, the risk factor is minimised since the ELEKTRA approach has already proved its applicability and benefits to the ESI sector.

Participants on Web:

Documents produced by Vattenfall and KTH

Additional documents produced by the project participants

Last undate 4 August 1998
This page is maintained by
Janis Stirna
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