
This status report describes what has been achieved during the first period of the VOLVEX Project, July 96 - Aug 97. In respect to interviews and implementation, meetings with our industrial contacts at VOLVO Data, what dissemination activities that have taken place and finally what the objectives are for the future work.

1. Project status and report July 1996- August 1997

VOLVEX is a three and half year project and one year has passed.

2. VOLVO meetings

Contact was taken with Per Brorson and Stefan Lindahl at Volvo Data and a number of meetings was held in Gothenburg to discuss Volvo's problems with implementing the STEP/EXPRESS standard within the five Volvo companies. Volvo Data, Volvo Cars, Volvo Trucks, Volvo Penta and Volvo Aero. The project at Volvo dealing with this is called the PDMI project.

From VOLVO we obtained a PDM (Product Data Managment) model in EXPRESS (textual form) and EXPRESS-G (graphical form), expressing "Part". Per Brorson and Stefan Lindahl at VOLVO Data told us that they had difficulties to understand and explain the "Part" model to personnel at Volvo and asked us to investigate the problem.

3. Achieved Results


We investigated the Part-model and designed a questionnaire asking questions about the model where the respondents should answer in Natural Language English how to explain the model in an appropriate way. The questionnaire contained the "Part"-model in graphical EXPRESS-G, in textual EXPRESS and also a dictionary to explain the various used concepts in the model.

The questionnaire was handed out to personnel at Volvo and also to researchers at DSV-KTH. The questionnaires were collected from Volvo and DSV-KTH and analysed.

An important finding was that people relied heavily on dictionary information to describe the model although the dictionary information was not contained in the model. Furthermore, people experience a need to use instances to exemplify/illustrate their different answers. The rest of the findings was as expected; the use of aggregation in the natural language texts, pronoun or referring expressions.

Regarding the use of concepts from AP214 Core Data for Automotive Design Process in the "part"-model, we found that very few concepts were used.


The implementation work proceeds as in the work plan. We have used a natural language generation system called ASTROGEN - Aggregated deep and Surface naTuRal language GENerator
which is written in Prolog. A domain lexicon has been implemented based on the answers from the questionnaires.

The ASTROGEN generator has been extended with a number of new sentence planning features as clause delimitation, use of dictionary information so called canned text and a simple content selection mechanism. (All the details are desc

EXPRESS tools and Natural Language generation tools.

Some tools for EXPRESS model treatment have been investigated as well as natural language generation tools. EPM Technologies EDM (EXPRESS Data Manager) has been considered for the translation from EXPRESS to Prolog syntax (This part is today simulated by hand). One possibility is to write the translator in Prolog. The FUF (Functional Unification Formalism) has been tested for the natural generation, however it was to slow and inflexible therefore we developed our ASTROGEN generator for the purpose of generation of natural language from EXPRESS specifications.

4. Dissemination

The VOLVEX project was presented in Brussels Dec 4, 1996 for AIT-Advanced Information Technology in Aerospace and Automotive Industry. The representantives came from Mercedes, Rover, Fiat and Dassault Aviation.

5. Conference paper

The paper Validation of STEP/EXPRESS Specifications by Automatic Natural Language Generation was presentated at to RANLP-97. The Second International Conference, Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing 11-13 September 1997, pp. 264 - 269, Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria. The paper describes the work carried out in the VOLVEX project. H.Dalianis, P. Johannesson & A. Hedman:Validation of STEP/EXPRESS Specifications by Automatic Natural Language Generation. In Proceedings of RANLP'97: Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, pp. 264 - 269, Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, September 11-13, 1997,

6. Other relevant papers presented during 1997

H. Dalianis & P. Johannesson. Explaining Conceptual Models -- An Architecture and Design Principles. In David W. Embley and Robert C. Goldstein, (Eds.), ER'97, 16th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 1331, pp. 215-228, Springer Verlag, 1997 Abstract

H. Dalianis. Natural Language Aggregation and Clarification using Cue Words. In Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, pp. 6-16, March 24 - 26, 1997, Gerhard-Mercator University, Duisburg, Germany, Abstract

H. Dalianis & E. Hovy. On Lexical Aggregation and Ordering. In Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, pp. 17-27, March 24 - 26, 1997, Gerhard-Mercator University, Duisburg, Germany, Abstract

H. Dalianis & F. Persson. Reuse of an Ontology in an Electrical Distribution Network Domain. Presented at the AAAI 1997 Spring Symposium Series, Ontological Engineering, pp. 25-32, March 24 - 26, 1997, Stanford University, California. Abstract

7. Deviations from Workplan

Due to the budget cut down we did not carry out a thorough investigation of the AP214 as stated in the original project plan. We have for example only studied one EXPRESS specification which is based on a very small part of AP 214.

8. Exploitation

One of the spin off effects of the VOLVEX project has been our work with an ESPRIT project proposal called VINST (Validation, Schema Integration and Explanation of STEP/EXPRESS specifications.) The plan is to use the technique and competence developed in VOLVEX project for the VINST project. Two Swedish companies are involved in this proposal Scania AB and Bris Data. The VINST ESPRIT Proposal will be submitted to the European Commission in Dec 1997.

9. Future work Aug 1, 1997 - Dec 31, 1997. (Already funded)

1 July 97 - 30 September 97:

Design the text planner, i.e. decide on how the discourses should look like in the generated text.

1 October 97 - 31 December 97:

Implement the text planner. Are there implication on the sentence planner? Study the interaction between the text and sentence planner.

10. Future work Jan 1, 1998 - Dec 31, 1999.

1 January 98 - 31 March 98:

Study UML and EXPRESS-2 regarding the second generation STEP languages and their applicability for natural language generation.

Putting together a stable prototype of all components. Testing the prototype to find out what is missing. Demonstrate prototype to design departments at car companies to obtain comments.

1 April 98 - 30 June 98:

Study ontologies as a mean to support the aggregation process in the sentence planner as well as the lexicon construction. Study the problem of sentence delimitation, i.e. how long should a sentence be?

Adding comments from users to the prototype and further develope the prototype.

1 July 98 - 30 September 98:

Second part of research project. Investigate other AP's to see if the technique of generating natural language is applicable. Which parts of the interviews can be removed and is it possible to use the text and sentence planner, the surface grammar and part of the lexicon in the new domain (AP) ?

1 October 98 - 31 December 98:

Writing scientific papers for publication of the results from 1 July 98 - 30 September 98. Carry out a study of all tools around STEP/EXPRESS to see if our generation tool will fit in.

1 January 99 - 31 March 99:

Write guidelines for how to create lexicons and to (re)use our natural language generation tool in other domains (APs).

1 April 99 - 30 June 99:

Is there any parser translating from natural language to EXPRESS and if there is one, what is needed to add a generation component to it ?

What will be needed to create a natural language to EXPRESS tool?

1 July 99 - 30 September 99 :

This period is for all the delayed work adding up the final comments and doing the final literature search. Writing scientific papers for publication.

1 October 99 - 31 December 99 :

Writing final report of project

Some of planned work might be carried out in an other order.

Final Deliverables

* Handbook (Guidelines for how to create lexicons and to (re)use our natural
language generation tool in other domains (APs).

* A natural language generation prototype validating the results of the project.

* Scientific papers

Project Leader and Applicant

Tekn Dr Hercules Dalianis (PhD)

ph 08-16 49 16

mobile 070-568 13 59
